art & bla
art & bla · Ep. 2 · Portrait Drawing of Leon Bridges

Howdy! (In case you´re wondering about some phrases or words I use in this text: I´ve webbed in some phrases and words that are used specifically in Texas. I thought it would be a nice gimmick since Leon Bridges is from Fort Worth in Texas.) I reckon some of you already know I quite enjoy drawing portaits. I'm sweating like a hooker in church though every time I start a new one (it´s the fear you feel when you´re staring at a white piece of paper, many of you know what I mean..) - because I want it to turn out great, I guess. It has to meet...
art & bla · Ep.1 · Social Media Fatigue

Hi there and welcome to my blog: art & bla! For the first time ever, I´m writing a blog. I don´t do it because I love writing so much, or because I have a second career dream about becoming an art journalist, or because I have so much free time and dunno what to do... - I don´t. I´m an illustrator and drawing artist based in a little town just a few driving minutes outside of Munich and I´m working myself along the erratic way to make a consistent living with what I have talent for and with what I love doing - which is...